The emerging Wholly Human, in its Original Blueprint Design, was created with full access to the TOOLBOX to assure all evolutionary upgrades would be supported. We have been told many times that if we will “ask the question, the answer would follow.” What if I don’t know the question to ask? We will look at the Original Design, how it evolved, how science has caught up to support the Design and how to live in resonance with your emerging Wholly Human. You will see “what’s in the toolbox” and explore how your personal puzzle piece adds to the bigger picture.
I begin with the Directives of EarthProject777 for it was there that the first questions arose. The Original Blueprint Design of the human genome was intricate and precise to assure that it would evolve and upgrade (use what some refer to as “junk DNA”) to become fully aware, self-aware and ultimately self- actualized. Since there were systems in place for this process to move forward, many were wondering “why” we were continuing to find ourselves in the loop of repetition. Many years of experience, exploration and discovery have brought us to this moment of our “next.” While nothing is as simple as it looks at first glance, our solution to our current challenges happens to boil down to a change in our perception, a change in our behavior and a willingness to become self-aware in order to become self-actualized. This may sound like a huge undertaking and an impossible task...yet, the pathway is clear if you will but open to what might appear to be way outside the box. Actually, it is all in the box...the TOOLBOX that is.
- DEFINITIONS: provide bridges to the terminology/language used as you learn more about how to use the TOOLBOX.
- UNIVERSAL TOOLS: (The Bio-acoustic SYSTEM) will give insight into the first level of the TOOLBOX. Where you begin...RBQT-18”...and how it works.
- RESOURCES: provide links to things you might consider adding to your TOOLBOX and their resonant connection with the SYSTEM and our Original Blueprint Design.
- The TOOLBOX has space that contains the universal tools, a one-size-fits-all in resonance with the human bio-acoustic system and a larger section that allows you to add support tools that are unique to your individual needs. Nothing has been left to chance...for we are designed to evolve and change. How we do that is up to us.
You are invited to engage and participate:
- On-line API Group Calls to experience personally and in a group field
- For practitioners, a “how to” integrate the API SYSTEM into what you are already sharing with your client base.
- Conversations of a Different Kind, an open forum for questions, exploration and discovery. There are many facets of the SYSTEM that reach deeply into our personal experience and our collective experience as we bridge between Science, Spirituality and our experience as Wholly Human.
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