The early residents of Gaia survived and evolved by finding solutions to the challenges of their era. Once again, we find ourselves faced with global challenges that we must address. While our challenges are not precisely the same…the common threads that have been present throughout our existence remain the same…as does a solution. Our human DNA is encoded, at its most primitive level, to reset, self-adjust and evolve. Our rising stress levels today indicate that we are, more often than not, locked in a “fight or fight” zone…prepared to do “something.” So, what is it that is actually causing our current dilemma? Is it possible that we are the challenge now? Are we on a pathway to self-destruct?
What might be the “something” we are preparing to do? We are at a cross-roads NOW and our position is complex…do we destroy that which we perceive threatens our survival or do we look more closely at the one thing that is more than a perceived threat to our survival…it is the ONE THING WE ALL HAVE IN COMMON. If this sounds like a “heady” subject…in some respects I can see where you might assume that. However, let me assure you that “head thinking” is NOT our solution. Let’s take a brief look at where our “head thinking” has brought us so far…as a global population.
• We have been fighting one another for centuries…who’s right, who’s wrong…still fighting.
• We have controlled and been controlled and manipulated by new “toys, concepts, ideas”…do we experience freedom/peace?
• We have tried to change the external of what exists (shifting new people into positions of power) without success...same issues, different faces talking.
So you might ask…”What is left?” Buckminster Fuller, Einstein and many others suggested we “build a new model that makes the old one obsolete.” While those attempts have brought some success, we find it was not sustainable because we continued to build using a framework that supports the “few” and not the “many” and most certainly does not address the common thread. Perhaps it is time now to look even further outside the box…time to explore beyond what we “think” we know to be truth and look from another perspective…collectively and in collaboration with others who are willing to explore with us.
“Thinking outside the box” begins the process…considering possibilities that were once thought impossible. With the growth of the internet, we have access to other viewpoints and realities creating an unlimited information network. And yet, our personal interactions (face-to-face) are often neglected due to the overwhelming influx of data available to us. With just a simple keystroke, we can access data on science, spirituality, physicality and a growing number of other topics…EVERYONE SEEMS TO HAVE AN OPINION! My question: “How do we bridge the gap between our many beliefs and understandings?” Surely, spirituality, science and physicality (our Human Form and its’ intricate system of checks and balances…the human tri-vector) were originally created to work in concert with one another to assure we would evolve and thrive. As each challenge was presented, we had the opportunity to open to our collective, creative wisdom and find a solution that would bring the species to the next level of existence and in resonance with Gaia.
Perhaps we begin with the “one thing everyone on Planet Earth has in common”…WE ALL RESIDE IN A HUMAN CONTAINER/BODY/SKIN…ON THIS PLANET...TOGETHER. While we have evolved with varying belief systems, cultures and physical needs, the fact remains, we live here…in our body…together. Perhaps we might take a look at how we treat the very thing that gives us the ability to move from place to place and observe/monitor our internal and external environment to see if that might hold some insight. The one ABSOLUTE is that we were created to evolve…find solutions that assure our survival as a species…and add the upgrades to the next generation…and it begins with each one of us individually as we join in community or relationship with one another.
Upgrades? What exactly does that mean…AI (artificial intelligence), finding ways to live longer, creating super humans? The big question is what do we LOSE when we tamper with what has been originally created and “try to make it bigger, better and able to last longer?” REMEMBER, our Original Blueprint Design has built-in upgrades that occur organically and naturally in perfect alignment as our consciousness and awareness evolve. In our haste to find solutions, are we considering what we might LOSE in the process when we create out of sequence?
I recently read a book entitled Homo Deus, A Brief History of Tomorrow, by Yuval Noah Harari. While he does not profess to have answers…none of us really do, he suggests that many of the real and perceived threats of times past no longer exist. Our challenges might differ…our human form remains. As I looked deeper into my own beliefs and understandings, I found much of our dilemma fits with the Directives of EarthProject777…we are being distracted at every turn…focusing on everything but the instincts, insights and wisdom encoded within our DNA that gives us the ability to feel emotion…LOVE.
Yes, I used the LOVE word. While over-used, mis-used and mis-understood, it still remains one thing we all desire. Yet, we work long hours, spend less time with family and friends, avoid the difficult or intimate conversations that explore our innermost thoughts and find ourselves wondering if anyone else feels the over-whelm of too much data…in-formation and not enough time.
I write these words…not to tell you I have answers but to stir the “pot” a wee bit. We spend endless hours discussing “things” and “blaming others”…there are no “others”…we are in this together and the choices we will make in the coming months, years will determine what will be the landscape the future generations will experience. Perhaps it is time to be less concerned with how to keep us alive longer, make us more intelligent, cure all the disease (after all, another one will come to fill the gap) and focus our attention on being good stewards of the Planet that we all live on and the body (container) we live in. Perhaps it is the perfect time for those intimate conversations that will assure we are here a wee bit longer and that we leave Gaia for the next generations, better than we found it. After all…we are each walking around in a physical form that was created specifically to evolve to the next level of awareness…would you be willing to consider the possibility that the solutions lie within each resident of Gaia?
We seek to be more conscious. Have you ever considered the possibility that all things have a level of consciousness? Is the greater potential to be self-aware…then self-actualized? Is that what is meant by the Wholly Human (or the many other ways to describe our integration of spirit and form)?
Join me for CONVERSATIONS OF A DIFFERENT KIND. Let’s give a voice to the SOLUTIONS!